Burnt Building

Oliver Gagliani is one of my most influential photographers. In 1980 I attended Oliver’s two-week workshop in Virginia City, Nevada where, to this day, I am attracted to old abandoned building.

Oliver did most his work in Nevada’s ghost towns. He also enjoyed western landscapes, particularly Yosemite. It was on one of the many trips to Yosemite where he ventured into Curry Village and was immediately drawn to the stitched repairs on the tent cabins canvas fabric where he photographed a series of abstracts.

I have been to Death Valley on numerous occasions photographing the dunes and rock formations. During my last visit, I was lured into a burnt building located across from Furnace Creek Inn. The results of that day are shown below, a tribute to Mr. Gagliani. 

(Click on image to enlarge and show thumbnails or scroll down.)

Los Angeles - April 2015

These images are from my book Five Days in LA a photo essay taken in April 2015. Living in Northern Californian my entire life, I find LA very different than the conservative and serious nature of the San Francisco Bay Area.

The people, architecture, climate, culture, etc. seem alien to me but in an exciting visual sense. The images are a mixture of different aspects defining LA as I see it. In the future, I hope to build from these images a visual mosaic further illustrating this most unusual and wonderful place. 

(Click on image to enlarge and show thumbnails or scroll down.)